It may not seem like it at the moment, dear readers, but Springtime in North Texas is just around the corner. The warmer weather in DFW can mean only one thing: Festivals! With the kids begging for summer vacation and the adults jonesing for time off work, there’s no better way to get out and enjoy the emerging warm weather than to grab a frosty beverage and some kettle corn and peruse one of the three major art festivals happening next month.

Deep Ellum Arts Festival

April 3-5, 2015

How long has it been since you’ve been to Deep Ellum? Maybe it’s time to embrace your inner 20-something and venture back down to Main St. for this free, three day celebration of cool. Offering much more than just art, this eclectic fête features over 100 musicians and performers on five main stages, from folk artists and songwriters to flourishing Blues greats and aspiring rock & roll legends. Along with the music, the Deep Ellum Arts Festival will also tempt patrons with sumptuous morsels from over 50 local restaurants, a myriad of wine and spirits, and even a pet parade for the animal lover in all of us. The event is adult-oriented, so plan accordingly and groove on down to the most original, and edgiest, festival in Dallas/Fort Worth. April 6-8, Main St., 214-855-1881, www.meifestivals.com

Dallas Art Fair

April 9-12, 2015

This acclaimed two-day festival highlights the talents of some of the best creative minds around, both regionally and globally. Featuring over 70 renowned contemporary and modern artists, with media ranging from photography and paintings to sculpture and prints, the Dallas Art Fair shines a light on the freshest voices and most unique visions in the industry. The fair has drawn tens of thousands of visitors, both near and far, since its inception in 2009 and caters to both collectors and art aficionados. Located in the rejuvenated downtown Arts District across from the Dallas Museum of Art, this distinctive bit of festivity should provide patrons with more than enough reason to get out and about and enjoy the season in the Big D. 1807 Ross Avenue, Suite 250, 214-220-1278, www.dallasartfair.com

Main St. Fort Worth Arts Festival

April 9-12, 2015

Last, but in no way least, is the nation’s 3rd largest festival of its kind. Celebrating nearly three decades of originality and fun, the Main St. Fort Worth Arts Festival is a four-day extravaganza featuring over 200+ artists and artisans showcasing everything from glassworks and sculpture, to photography, painting, and even jewelry. If mixed media and music is more your thing, then feast your eyes and your ears, because the arts festival is also one of the area’s largest free music festivals as well. Over 300 musicians, both burgeoning and established, perform an eclectic range of tunes, from rock and country to cultural and folk, on various stages. Since your eyes and your ears are taken care of, might as well include your stomach as well while enjoying a sampling of cuisine from hundreds of the regions most acclaimed eateries. Whether it’s with a friend, or the entire family, this Cowtown festival will leave none of your five senses un-awakened. 817-336-ARTS, www.mainstreetartsfest.org

Source: Where Magazine

The Rib Whisperer - New Logo

We had the pleasure of working with the fine folks over at The Rib Whisperer to develop their new logo for all their BBQ sauces, rubs, and spices. It's really cool to see an idea go from a sketch to an actual label on a bottle of BBQ sauce. You may have seen Trace Arnold on the History Channel traveling the country with his big smoker. He is known for his big personality and his big cowboy hat.  He also owns a local BBQ joint called 3 Stacks in Frisco, Texas. Here is what I came up with for their design:

Final drawing

On the bottle!


  The first time I walked into Bill’s Records in 1993 looking for a U2 import, I was caught a bit off guard. I had heard from friends and college buddies at the time that this was the absolute place to go if you were an aficionado of any particular band or type of music. If you were a music lover and you wanted it, but it was hard or impossible to find, then Bill probably had it. The place was, needless to say, not what I expected. Go with me on this. My memory is a little hazy…

   In 1993, Bills Record’s was a slightly rundown-looking store that had every type of band poster and memorabilia you could imagine tacked on the walls. It was as if the Hard Rock Café had exploded and been condemned. Band and/or artist merchandise of every kind resided in cardboard boxes underneath the tables and on the floor around the room. There were bins of vintage and brand new concert posters that you could rummage through. A handful of employees (of all ages) wandered the room, sometimes asking if you needed some help, but mostly just letting you soak in a wealth of rock and roll imagery. I half expected there to be a tattoo parlor in the back of the store. Even more oddly was the fact that hardly anything had prices listed on it. If you wanted it, you had to ask one of the employees or the man behind the counter.

   The Man Behind The Counter.

   He might as well have been The Smoking Man, The Man in Black…you see where I’m going. Even then, sitting on a stool, finishing off his countless smoke of the day, Bill Wiseman already exuded that aging artist or hippie guru vibe you would expect from the owner of a place like this.  Of course Bill doesn’t think of his self that way. In speaking with him, I found him to be a humble and friendly man, who just happens to have phenomenal taste in music and a kick-ass record store. Ben Harper is one of his favorites, along with Joan Bias, and Bob Dylan. I got the impression though that Bill would be familiar with almost any artist if you were to spout one off.

   The place was, in retrospect, absolutely perfect. Just perfect. It was a hallowed ground of youthful memories and nostalgic ideals. I remember thinking, even then, that this place was a genuine rarity. It was nothing less than a church for the Beatles or Zeppelin fans; a time warp for the aging rockster or wandering family man looking for a vinyl of The White Album.

   So we fast-forward a decade or so, and I walk into Bill’s Records…a little fatter, a little more cynical, and with much more apprehensions about being that wandering family man in a hip record store. You know what? Who cares? Not a damn thing has changed.

   Bill had his permanent place staked out behind the counter; still smoking; still cool. Leonard Cohen on a barstool. Had the guy even aged in 12 years? I soaked in every sight, sound, taste and smell of the place that I had remembered from the 90’s.  Bill even called me on my own situation after I mentioned coming in religiously back in the 90’s. “People used to be fanatical about coming in every week…now they have kids and come in when they can”, he said. But that’s the miracle of Bill’s Records. The thing is, you can bring your kids. It is as welcoming and unassuming now as it was when I thought I was cool a decade ago.

   It wasn’t a great place because I was young. It was a great place because Bill and his employees care about what they’re offering. Bill started out selling records at a flea market when he was in his 20’s. Now he’s 61 and no less enthused about his business than he was then. If anything, he’s more so. He loves music, musicians, and the people (like me) who love them.  You still won’t find prices on much of the merchandise. You have to talk to the man. But that’s what’s so amazing. You pick your pleasure, ask for (or receive, depending on your haggling skills) your price, and walk out with what feels like a real treasure. Your choice will live in your collection forever, because you discovered it. Tell me if you ever get that at Best Buy.

   It’s hard to believe that an unassuming store located in a strip mall would evoke the same kind of memories that you would get from going to a Paul McCartney or Eagles concert. You can drop by every Friday and Saturday for live concerts on the stage that the store houses. Come for the concert, stay for the memories. I defy you to enter this unpolished, beautifully worn store and not walk out feeling younger.

   Because it’s not where it’s located or what it looks like that matters. It’s the fact that Bill’s store is a living reminder that some things just don’t change. Why do they need to? The store proudly casts aside potential implications that it might have been affected by the internet or “corporate consolidation.” Bill’s Records has often been referred to as “The Last Record Store”.

Mister, you said it. I love everything about the place. Here’s to 22 more years…

 - Richard Dennis

1317 S Lamar St
Dallas, Texas

(214) 421-1500
Open Daily:  10:30am - 10:00pm


Positive Growth: Dallas’ Urban Gardens

“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.”  - Oscar Wilde

A quick Google search is all it takes to learn the basic information on a wonderful technique of gardening called Companion Planting. The approach can be simple enough for a beginner or can contain intricacies that only the most learned botanist can pull off. However the basic idea is the same: companion planting allows for plants to work together in a garden space to help each other not only grow, but flourish in the most optimal way possible. Tall plants, for example, provide shade and protection for more fragile varieties. Vining plants will cover the ground or thrive on trellises to allow others to grow upwards towards the sun. This symbiotic technique can even allow certain plants to steer insects and other pests away from others, so that the garden has the best chance for optimal beauty and a long life. It’s a lovely and enriching process that has been a time-honored method for gardeners and nature enthusiasts everywhere. It’s also a perfect metaphor for what Dallas’s wide array of urban gardens are all about.

Community gardens and urban botanical areas have become a natural and ever-growing part of the Dallas landscape, and are now quickly changing the very idea of area food culture as well. The Pyramid Restaurant inside the Fairmont Hotel, for example, dazzles patrons with a 3,000 square foot herb and vegetable garden on the rooftop; the East Dallas Community and Market Garden on Fitzhugh Ave. regularly offer fresh produce to the public (with the proceeds going to fund the garden itself); the Live Oak and Lake Highlands Community Gardens provide similar opportunities for seasonally-fresh ingredients complete with nearly 100 plots, bee-keeping for natural, organic honey and breathtaking butterfly gardens.

Inherently, urban gardens are nothing new. In fact, cities other than Dallas have been utilizing them for rooftop ambience, land conservation and city-wide beautification for ages. But only in the last several years has the idea of community gardening and urban botanical grounds become tied directly with healthy, organic eating and life-changing education for young people as well. Schools are now not only using the gardens for outings, but for vital student-led learning opportunities on eating properly and encouraging families and communities to choose the healthiest and most beneficial ingredients possible on an everyday basis.

Dallas restaurants have also begun to more regularly utilize the organic ingredients found in the gardens for their own businesses. Some of the most famous chefs in the country now turn to their own community gardens for regular restaurant produce, farm raised meats, and some of the newest seasonal items available. Dallas’ own Chef Chad Houser, of Parigi and Café Momentum fame, first became interested in organic food as a boy when he would accompany his grandparents to local farmer’s markets to help them sell their own small batches of natural produce. “The idea then was just to have enough to go out for hamburgers at the end of the day”, he said. “But all of my memories as a child involved good family and large meals with quality ingredients on the table every Sunday. I had a healthy respect, even then, for what goes into our bodies”. When asked about the impact of what these urban gardens have to offer, Chef Houser isn’t shy about his passion for them. “They impact everyone around them”, he says. “I’m no doctor, but it’s been proven that natural, healthy eating and food choices increase student graduation rates when it becomes part of the school menus. The kids are more engaged and inspired. It nourishes them both in mind and in body”. 

It was would be easy to write the idea of urban gardens off as a nice idea for foodies, or for professionals looking for the best ingredients for their customers. But in speaking with the individuals who have devoted their lives to making the world a better place with the gardens, the benefit of these locations goes much, much further. Elizabeth Dry is a long-tenured educator and founder of arguably Dallas’ most famous community garden, Promise of Peace. This garden and educational facility was established with one goal in mind: to instruct families in Dallas and around the country on the benefits of healthy living and horticultural education. Promise of Peace offers everything from cooking classes and learning programs, to demonstrations and culinary events from the top chefs in Dallas. P.O.P also regularly features live music and seasonal happenings like Saturday Peace Market and BrunchesEco Fest and OkraPalooza.

As enriching as these events are, it’s the young people that come to the gardens that matter most to Ms. Dry. In speaking with her, she enthusiastically recounted a time when a large group of exchange students were visiting the Promise of Peace grounds one afternoon and were multi-tasking with various outdoor projects. Considering the diversity of backgrounds, languages and cultures, not many of the students initially spoke or communicated well with each other. However, the “beauty of what they were doing”, said Dry, “was universal”. They were working with their hands, planting soil, decorating clay pots, seeding the ground, and a variety of other separate tasks. At one point, someone started to sing. Dry remembers vividly that the song was Leaving on a Jet Plane, by Peter, Paul and Mary. As Dr. Seuss would say, the song “started in slow, then it started to grow”, and it wasn’t long before the entire grounds were filled with the sounds of a classic rock ballad, sung by dozens and dozens of strangers who had somehow been unified by the shared experience of what the gardens had to offer. Dry still gets emotional when remembering the incident, and in her own words, believes that the story is “symbolic” for both Promise of Peace’s mission statement and the benefit of the gardens themselves.

Whether the goal is to provide education for young people, or simply the best local ingredients available for restaurants and top culinary game-changers, the bottom line is the same. The urban gardens that continue to blossom and spread in Dallas are changing the way individuals, companies and families think about food and nutrition. Economically depressed areas that would otherwise continue to struggle now have something that they can be proud of, learn from, and send their children to. Restaurants now have aesthetically pleasing areas that also serve a much larger purpose for their customers. Urban gardens have quite literally evolved the food culture in the Big D, and those that would not have given a single thought to the type of meat they purchase or produce they buy are now looking at the labels and adopting a quality over quantity mind-set.

As she was finishing her thoughts on the impact of these urban gardens, Ms. Dry generously offered up one last anecdote. About a year after Promise of Peace opened its doors to the public, Dry was arriving to the grounds one day, preparing to begin the day’s events. She remembers being pleased that in the year that the location had been opened there had been no vandalism or thefts of any kind, which unfortunately was somewhat surprising considering the area of town at the time. As she approached the building, she saw that the electrical box outside the building had been spray painted with graffiti. Frustrated, she went inside to get some cleaning products to remove the paint. When she got closer to the box and was preparing to clean it, she suddenly stopped and couldn’t help but feel a rush of emotion when she saw what had been painted on the unit. In large capital letters with traditional urban scrawl font were the words, “THANK YOU”.

 - Richard Dennis

Originally Published in Where Dallas Guestbook 

Steak and Wine: A Match Made in Heaven

There is one thing Texas is most known for the world over. It’s inarguable … intangible. It isn’t cowboys, Dallas Cowboys, or Stetsons. It isn’t even a luxurious pair of snake-skin boots. All of those staples come second to this iconic bit of state history that stands to be mentioned alongside the greatest of Lone Star hallmarks. What is it? 

It’s the beef.

The Lone Star State has long held a reputation for housing some of the best cuts in the world, but it was only after the Civil War that cattle actually became a growth industry in Texas. Refrigeration and ambitious entrepreneurs helped. But it wasn’t until much later, around World War II, that a prime piece of beef began to emerge as an American symbol of wealth and opulence. While labeling steak purely as a “Texas” food is a bit of an overstatement, what is not is that the state has built on that reputation and parlayed it into some of the best steakhouses and restaurants in the world.

Houston, specifically, has grown in recent years into something of a mecca for legendary beef dishes, prepared by some of the most gifted chefs around the globe. What started out as a hearty meal and means of livelihood for a hungry ranch-hand has emerged into a bonafide art form; an art form that calls to mind subtle tastes, distinctive spices and incomparable combinations. And what pairing will most chefs and connoisseurs agree goes best with steak?

Why, it’s wine, of course.

Of course, the task of choosing a wine with a particular cut of meat can be daunting. Whether it is a light and fruity pinot noir, or a buttery chardonnay; there isn’t a clear answer. When it comes to these basic traditions, sometimes it’s best just to ask the experts. Chef Ken Arnone would know.

As a Certified Master Chef (one of only 61 in the country), Chef Arnone has exceeded at everything from Wall Street to fine cuisine. As a corporate chef and head consultant at Mo’s…A Place for Steaks in Houston, Arnone’s opinions and unique perspective is a valued commodity, but his approach is as refreshing as the dishes he creates. When asked what wine pairs best with what meal, he slyly states, “Your favorite wine is best. You should never get so caught up with rules that you can’t drink what you enjoy.” The response is telling because, despite all of his success, he seems to understand pairing a dish like steak and wine can be as subjective for the customer as it is for the creator. That’s not to say that when pressed Chef Arnone’s expertise doesn’t bubble to the surface. “A good smoky chardonnay with beef tartar is excellent,” he states. When asked what one of his favorite pairings at Mo’s was, he couldn’t help but offer, “…The signature Cowboy Cut ribeye with a respectable Bordeaux-style wine,” was a win/win. He also mentioned an affinity for “a good bleu cheese-topped cut with a hearty merlot.”

Of course, the pairing of steak and wine has many considerations. Price level is important, as well as the occasion of the meal itself. Johnny V, owner of Mo’s, mirrored Chef Arnone’s sentiments by explaining that one must consider whether the “point of the experience is the wine or the food.” He also stressed that, when pairing steak and wine, the “level or body of the wine should generally match the body of the meat itself.” Lighter cuts demand lighter tones in the wine, whereas a heavier cut like a porterhouse or prime rib combine best with a deeper, more complex variety.

Of course body and levels are only part of it. While it might be lost on the everyday patron, even the different “intra-muscular” fats, or IMF, levels of a tenderloin or filet mignon greatly affect the taste and consistency. The fat content also plays a part in the overall quality of some cuts. The more “marbling” the steak has; the greater degree of flavor and saltiness. It is this very saltiness that makes the pairing of a particular wine such a harmonious experience. According to Johnny V, The beef can be “both enhanced and cleansed by the smoky tannins in a good bottle of red.” Tannins are that particular earthy or woodsy taste that imbibers experience in red wine; and, along with the alcohol content, gives the drink that satisfying “finish” that clears the palette after a good bite.

It’s clear that these experts of steakhouse chefs across Houston are as passionate about the experience of a good meal as they are about its science, but in the end, there is no set definition of what makes a particular cut of beef sing alongside a specific wine. It’s the diners themselves, and their shared passion for cuisine that make all the difference. Johnny V sums up the idea that steak is forever a staple of exquisite dining. “It evokes images of Texas cattle and Texas history,” he says. “It’s Americana, pure and simple.”

 - Richard Dennis

As originally published in Where Guestbook Houston
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